Women make a significant contribution to Canadian agriculture, but it requires special skills to be a leader in an industry. Agriculture is rich with successful women. We want to connect those successful women with others. We believe opportunities for women in agriculture have never been better! To help women capitalize on these opportunities, Iris Meck Communications has created a conference where women can sharpen their skills and share their inspirational gifts.
See more samples of our Event Management | Visit Advancing Women

Airport Crossing
IMCI just handled another successful event coordinating the set up the tent, catering, design and production of the displays and invitations and décor of the event launching Airport Crossing under a tent in the middle of 55 acres of land ready for development just north of the Calgary Airport. Over 50 people braved the cold to have a quick lunch, wine and a latte and hear the news of the new development.
See more samples of our Event Management

Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference - ABIC 2013
ABIC 2013 is the second time that IMCI Events has coordinated and managed an ABIC conference in Calgary. This conference went off smoothly as 43 agricultural biotechnology leaders spoke, exhibitors and researchers had ample opportunities to network with the over 420 attendees of the conference. Another conference – handled.
Here are some comments:

  • Thanks and Great Job at ABIC! Just wanted to thank you for the great job you and your associates did at ABIC 2013...really do appreciate your openness and help to allow me to make my presentation a little bit different. Best regards.
    - SS from California
  • ABIC was fantastic, as usual.
    - EM from Edmonton
  • Dear Iris, I am back in Edmonton, after a fabulous conference. You surely are the top organizer of these special events. Everything was grand.
    - EO from Edmonton
  • Thanks so much for such a wonderful opportunity to participate in the Conference. I enjoy it and I know we are going to bare some fruits from it soon.
    - NM from Calgary
  • Thanks for the updates, Iris. Great job!
    - SS from Edmonton
  • Thank you for the wonderful event.
    - JP from Calgary
  • As ever, Iris - thanks so much for the opportunity to talk at the conference and for all the support of you and your staff. Very best.
    - DH from England

See more samples of our Event Management | Visit ABIC 2013

International Livestock Congress Beef 2013
We have been working with the Canadian Cattlemen's Association since 2005, coordinating the annual International Livestock Congress. IMCI Events is responsible for all aspects of the Congress: theme, speaker sourcing and booking, promotion, registration, sponsorship sourcing, banking, on-site logistics and final evaluation. See you at ILC 2013!
See more samples of our Event Management | Visit ILC Calgary 2013

Canfax Cattle Market Forum 2013
In 2012, Canfax came to IMCI Events to assist them in organizing the Cattle Market Forum to disseminate market information to the cattle industry. In its first year, and in a short organizing period, Canfax realized over 200 attendees, with evaluations praising the conference content and 92% of attendees committing to the 2013 event. Visit Canfax Online for details on the 2013 Forum.
See more samples of our Event Management | Visit Canfax Forum 2013