This conference is sure to give participants an unmatched single-day perspective on the industry today and tomorrow.

The International Livestock Congress Calgary is an industry-led event under the oversight of the Canadian Cattlemen's Association in partnership with the Calgary Stampede and the International Stockmen's Education Foundation. A group of industry stakeholders provide input into the program and objectives of the ILC-Calgary with the interests of the entire beef value chain in mind.

This year ILC is once again being held during Calgary Stampede! This will provide you an opportunity to discuss the issues in the beef industry and enjoy the entertainment of the Stampede at the same time! It is a good chance to bring the family and take in the whole event.


Hosted by the Canadian Cattlemen's Association, the Calgary Stampede and the International Stockmen's Education Foundation, ILC 2008 will offer a 360-degree perspective on the issues shaping your beef industry. Our distinguished faculty of expert speakers will cover the strategic landscape as no other single-day event can. From trade access, to finance, to emerging markets, to leadership, technology marketing and branding, ILC 2008 is comprehensive, authoritative and compelling.

Student Program

The Congress will also host international agricultural students to expose them to the future of the livestock industry, issues and opportunities and to network with over 450 industry leaders.

Where and When

2008 ILC-Calgary will be on Friday July 11, 2008, in the Palomino Room, Roundup Centre, Stampede Park, in downtown Calgary, Alberta. The conference will start at 7:00am with registration, followed by presentations from 8:00am until approximately 4:00pm. There are a limited number of seats available so be sure to register early.

Why attend?

Never before has the beef industry imposed such sweeping and complex demands on those who would run a business and earn a living. From producers to processors to exporters and public sector players, today's industry requires an informed strategic viewpoint. In this market, there are no ready-made answers or instant solutions. What you can do is look, listen, learn and analyze, before making your own plans for success. When it comes to providing valuable, credible perspective, ILC 2008 is your ideal venue. Learn more about the forces shaping the industry. Dig deeper into the world of strategic possibilities. Connect with high-energy speakers and attendees who know your issues and have wisdom to share. ILC 2008 could be the best and most business-changing meeting you attend all year. Don't miss it.

Speaker Agenda

This agenda will continue to change as we update the list of speakers, their topics, and time frames - so be sure to continue to check for updates.

Here is the agenda so far!

July 11, 2008 - Preliminary Agenda as of February 11, 2008
7:00 am - 8:00 am Registration
8:00 am - 8:30 am Dennis Laycraft, Executive Vice President, Canadian Cattlemen's Association, Calgary AB, opening comments on the state of the Canadian industry.

8:30 am - 9:00 am The Economic Outlook
Glen Hodgson, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, The Conference Board of Canada, Ottawa, ON, will provide the most recent economic forecast and discuss Canada's position for growth.

Questions from the floor.

9:00 am - 9:30 am US Policy and its impact on Agriculture
Bill Holbrook, Holbrook Consulting Services, Kearney, MO will provide a review of US Ag and Energy Policy, how US agriculture will be impacted and its response to world demand.

Questions from the floor.

9:30 am - 10:00 am Gregg Doud, Chief Economist, National Cattlemen's Beef Association, Washington, DC, will provide a US perspective of the ethanol policy, origin labeling, and major beef industry issues.

Questions from the floor.

10:00 am - 10:30 am Coffee Break
10:30 am - 11:00 am Brad Wildeman, Pound-Maker, Lanigan SK will discuss the challenges in the beef industry and where we are advancing over our competitors.

Questions from the floor.

11:00 am - 11:30 am Novel Approaches to Vaccination: impact on economics of beef production
Dr. Lorne Babiuk, Vice President (Research) University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB will discuss how infectious diseases have a significant impact on production and may be used as trade barriers. Novel approaches to developing vaccines to reduce these problems will be addressed.

Questions from the floor.

11:30 am - 12:00 pm New Genomic Tools to Help Beef Producers Compete in Domestic and Global Markets
Dr. David Bailey, President and CEO, Genome Alberta, Calgary, AB will present recent advances made by the human medical communities using genomic technologies and how those same tools to be applied to the livestock sectors. For the Canadian beef cattle industry, access to the new tools is of great importance given the industry's current financial state and the global challenges such as diseases, climate change and high feed input costs. Genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics are now available to our producers and the costs for these services are dropping rapidly.

Questions from the floor.

12:00 pm - 1:45 pm Lunch
1:45 pm - 2:15 pm Canadian Beef: The world is waiting
Andrea Mandel-Campbell, Author, Journalist, Toronto, ON, will discuss that Canada has a lot to offer the world, but all too often has chosen the path of least resistance: selling commodities to the US. In today's world that's a losing proposition. Why the Canadian beef industry must add value and embrace global marketing.

Questions from the floor.

2:15 pm - 2:45 pm Christopher Wolf, Director, The Turover-Straus Group, Inc., Springfield Missouri, will discuss all the pieces in delivering a product and maintaining a brand and what the beef industry has to do to stay ahead of the game.

Questions from the floor.

2:45 pm - 3:15 pm Coffee Break
3:15 pm - 4:00 pm Eating - Is there a solution to the confusion?
Dr. Joe Schwarcz, Director, McGill Office for Science and Society, McGill University, Montreal, PQ will discuss how the current onslaught of nutritional information often leaves consumers confused and worried. A proper scientific analysis of research findings is the only way to separate sense from nonsense.

Questions from the floor.

4:00 pm - 4:15 pm Dennis Laycraft, Executive Vice President, Canadian Cattlemen's Association, Calgary AB will close the conference.

4:15 pm - 6:00 pm Wrap-up reception, Roundup Centre Foyer

End of program.

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