The Canadian Cattlemen's Association, the Calgary Stampede, and the International Stockman's Educational Foundation are proud to host Canadian and international students at the 2008 International Livestock Congress - Calgary. This year the congress will be taking up to 25 successful students for the program.

One of our mandates is to reach out to those future leaders. ILC-Calgary is proud to once again sponsor those students that are successful in the application process. The student program will start Wednesday July 9th, 2008 with a reception and presentation, and run till Saturday July 12, 2008 following the one day tour, the congress and the leader's forum. We think this is a great opportunity for the students to meet the leaders of the industry, hear the issues in the industry and the experts' perspectives on these issues, meet other students working in the field of agriculture and possibly meet their future employer.

Last year 20 agricultural students from Canada and around world were sponsored to attend the ILC student program. In the past, several program alumni pursued and obtained employment with Alberta's agricultural industry players.

Download Student Application Form (.doc - 52kb)
Download Student Application Form (.pdf - 108kb)

2008 International Livestock Congress Student Program Agenda

Check back soon - we are just finalizing the student tour!

Why does ILC support a student program?

First, to promote agricultural education and training of our industry with our future leaders. We want to continue to engage students to identify the issues in our industry, increase their awareness of these issues and their global impact. Students will have the opportunity to hear, learn from and interact with global agricultural industry experts. We believe this learning experience will encourage these promising young people to continue their career in agriculture.

Second, to create vital exposure for our industry. Our industry today has a high demand for creative solutions. Getting youth involved at this level encourages a new generation with the energy, intellect and creativity we need to keep it sustainable. ILC - Calgary allows the students the opportunity to interact and learn from the agricultural industry professionals attending the conference as speakers, sponsors and stakeholders. Regardless of where the students are from, we are bringing young talent to this province - to experience and have an appreciation for Alberta agriculture and encourage our future agricultural industry leaders.

How can you participate?


In an effort to enhance the educational experiences of college students and strengthen the leaders of tomorrow's livestock industry, the International Stockmen's Educational Foundation awards travel fellowships each year for the International Livestock Congress to senior level and graduate students of accredited colleges or universities.

The International Livestock Congress Calgary, managed by the Canadian Cattlemen's Association in cooperation with the Calgary Stampede and the International Stockmen's Educational Foundation is a unique global event bringing leaders from the livestock industry together discuss issues of international importance that affect the future of animal agriculture. Students will participate in event July 9-12, 2008 in Calgary, Alberta. Events will include a student career workshop, the International Livestock Congress USA, the Calgary Stampede and tours of area plants, feedlots and ranches.

Fellowships include airfare, ground transportation, hotel and scheduled meals. Scholastic achievement, leadership experiences and letters of recommendation are all part of the stringent qualifying requirements.

Travel fellowship recipients must participate in all activities of the Congress and develop a professional paper that summarizes the outcomes of the event.

These papers must be submitted in English to the student's department head and a copy forwarded to the ISEF office within 60 days following the Congress. Papers will be evaluated by a selection committee for possible publication in a proceedings of the event, with the author of the paper selected as outstanding invited to additional ISEF activities.

Recipients will also be required to make a presentation to a breed association or a similar group in their area about their experiences at the International Livestock Congress.

Download Student Application Form (.doc - 52kb)
Download Student Application Form (.pdf - 108kb)

Completed applications, along with college transcripts, three letters of reference and a head/shoulders photograph (no passport photos, please) should be sent to:

Julie J. Bryant
Student Program Coordinator
International Stockmen's Educational Foundation
P.O. Box 26918
Fort Worth, Texas 76126

Deadline application must be received: May 1, 2008

Please note that students have been disqualified for failing to send all required information. You will not be notified if all information is not received.

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