Below is the sponsorship program for 2008 ILC including four levels of sponsorship:
  • Thursday July 10th, 2008
    VIP Opening Reception, for students, speakers, sponsors and invited guests at the ILC host hotel.
  • Friday July 11th, 2008
    Congress Plenary Session, Roundup Centre.
  • Friday July 11th, 2008
    Congress Reception, Roundup Centre following the plenary session
  • Friday July 11th, 2008
    VIP Grandstand Event including a "Behind the Scenes" tour of the Calgary Stampede grounds including the rodeo area, the infield suites and the Chuck wagon barns; one ticket for the Grandstand Event dinner and one ticket for the Chuck wagon Races and Grandstand Show
  • Saturday July 12th, 2008
    Leader's Forum Breakfast, ILC host hotel

Partner Level
Download Partner Sponsor Form (.doc - 128kb)
Download Partner Sponsor Form (.pdf - 120kb)

For up to $500 sponsorship sponsor will receive:

  • Logo on the agenda/program to be distributed at and prior to the conference
  • Logo (full color) on conference signage on a sponsor board and/or PowerPoint presentation
  • Logo on a page inside the proceedings (black and white) and the ILC-Calgary website (full color)

Bronze Level
Download Bronze Sponsor Form (.doc - 136kb)
Download Bronze Sponsor Form (.pdf - 128kb)

For $2,500 sponsorship sponsor will receive:

  • Logo on the agenda/program to be distributed at and prior to the conference
  • Logo (full color) on conference signage on a sponsor board and/or PowerPoint presentation
  • Logo and 100 words of "corporate messaging" on a page inside the proceedings (black and white) and the ILC-Calgary website (full color)
  • Logo in the proceedings by sponsorship level (black and white)
  • One person to attend the VIP Opening Reception Thursday July 10th, 2008
  • One free registration for the Congress Plenary Session, Friday July 11th, 2008
  • One person to attend the Congress Reception Friday July 11th, 2008
  • One person to attend the VIP Grandstand Event Friday July 11th, 2008

Silver Level
Download Silver Sponsor Form (.doc - 136kb)
Download Silver Sponsor Form (.pdf - 132kb)

For $5,000 sponsorship, sponsor will receive:

  • Logo on the agenda/program to be distributed at and prior to the conference
  • Logo (full color) on conference signage on a sponsor board and/or PowerPoint presentation
  • Logo and 100 words of "corporate messaging" on a page inside the proceedings (black and white) and on the ILC-Calgary website (full color)
  • Logo in the proceedings by sponsorship level (black and white)
  • Opportunity to provide one corporate printed piece to be distributed at the conference registration or information table or in the registration package.
  • Two persons to attend the VIP Opening Reception Thursday July 10th, 2008
  • Two free registrations for the Congress Plenary Session, Friday July 11th, 2008
  • Two persons to attend the Congress Reception Friday July 11th, 2008
  • Two persons to attend the VIP Grandstand Event Friday July 11th, 2008

Gold Level
Download Gold Sponsor Form (.doc - 136kb)
Download Gold Sponsor Form (.pdf - 128kb)

For $7,500 sponsorship, sponsor will get:

  • Logo on the agenda/program to be distributed at and prior to the conference
  • Logo (full color) on conference signage on a sponsor board and/or PowerPoint presentation
  • Logo and 100 words of "corporate messaging" on a page inside the proceedings (black and white) and on the ILC-Calgary website (full color)
  • Logo in the proceedings by sponsorship level (black and white)
  • Opportunity to provide one corporate printed piece to be distributed at the conference registration or information table or in the registration package.
  • Three persons to attend the VIP Opening Reception Thursday July 10th, 2008
  • Three free registrations for the Congress Plenary Session, Friday July 11th, 2008
  • Three persons to attend the Congress Reception Friday July 11th, 2008
  • Three persons to attend the VIP Grandstand Event Friday July 11th, 2008
  • Two persons to attend the Leader's Forum on Saturday July 12th, 2008

Platinum Level
Download Platinum Sponsor Form (.doc - 140kb)
Download Platinum Sponsor Form (.pdf - 128kb)

For $10,000 and more, the sponsor will receive:
This will be an industry exclusive sponsorship level, where only one industry sector company can be a platinum sponsor. For example: one animal health company, one equipment company, etc.

  • Each Platinum sponsor would have the opportunity to hold an exclusive one-on-one Round Table business session with a key speaker for 10 persons on Friday July 11th, 2008 at 7:00 am. (prior to the congress sessions)
  • Logo on the agenda/program to be distributed at and prior to the conference
  • Logo (full color) on conference signage on a sponsor board and/or PowerPoint presentation
  • Logo and 100 words of "corporate messaging" on a page inside the proceedings (black and white) and on the ILC-Calgary website (full color)
  • Logo in the proceedings by sponsorship level (black and white)
  • Opportunity to provide one corporate printed piece to be distributed at the conference registration/or information table or in the registration package.
  • Four persons to attend the VIP Opening Reception Thursday July 10th, 2008
  • Four free registrations for the Congress Plenary Session, Friday July 11th, 2008
  • Four persons to attend the Congress Reception Friday July 11th, 2008
  • Four persons to attend the VIP Grandstand Event Friday July 11th, 2008
  • Two persons to attend the Leaders Forum on Saturday July 12th, 2008
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